
Website Support & Maintenance

Already have a website but lack the time or expertise to manage it?

We are here to help.

Our affordable website support and maintenance services can keep your site running smoothly. Let’s talk.

Don’t have a website yet? Let us build one for you. Learn more here.

Website support and maintenance
How To Get Started

Let us know your website URL and any current issues.

We will assess your site and proceed from there.

Our Pricing

Please note that our website support and maintenance package is designed specifically for WordPress websites. If your website is built on a different CMS or platform, please contact us to discuss a tailored solution.

Yearly Subscription

Support & Maintenance

MYR 99

Pay Yearly MYR 1188 (99 x 12)

Monthly Subscription

Support & Maintenance

MYR 249

Pay Monthly

Package Features

Monthly Updates

Ensuring your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up-to-date to maintain optimal security and performance.


Security Monitoring

Perform monthly monitoring for security threats and vulnerabilities, which includes conducting malware scans and intrusion detection.


Performance Optimization

Perform monthly performance checks and optimizations to ensure that your website loads quickly and efficiently.


Backup and Recovery

Perform monthly backups of your website files and database to safeguard against data loss in the event of corruption or intrusion.


Technical Support

Prompt assistance with any technical issues or errors that may arise. While we always strive to resolve all problems, there are instances where some issues might be beyond our control. In such cases, we will provide alternative solutions.

Important: If you violate our Terms of Service, including but not limited to the abuse of your website, hosting account and/or our support and maintenance services, we reserve the right to terminate your subscription and/or hosting account immediately.

Additional Services

Additional charges will apply for any of these services or other custom work you may require.

A price quote will be provided once we have the specific details.


Content Updates

Assisting with content additions, updates, or removals, such as pages, blog posts, product descriptions, or modification or adding new features.


SEO Optimization

Implementing basic SEO best practices to improve your website's search engine ranking.


Plugin and Theme Management

Installing, configuring, and updating plugins and themes as needed.



Implementing minor customizations or modifications to your website's design or functionality.


Website Monitoring

Monitoring your website's uptime and availability to ensure it's always accessible to visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions
I need some graphics. Do you offer graphic design services?

Yes, we do. We have our own graphic designers. Please note that additional charges will apply for these services.

Will you do the updates every month, or do I need to request for this?

We will automatically perform all applicable and available monthly updates at the end of each calendar month, as long as your subscription is active.

Can you provide support and maintenance for a website that is not WordPress?

Yes, we can. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.

If I am not subscribed to the monthly or yearly plan, what are your average pay per service charges?

If you are not subscribed to our monthly or yearly plan, we can still help you with your website on a per demand basis. And our per service charges start at MYR 80. The exact cost will depend on the specific work required.

What happens if you are unable to fix the issue on my website?

If we are unable to resolve the issue on your website — such as problems beyond our control — we will offer alternative solutions. Please note that before troubleshooting, we will need you to provide relevant information so we can accurately assess the problem.

Are plugin installations or theme changes included in the subscription?

Plugin installation or theme changes are not included in both the monthly  and yearly subscription. These are considered additional services or customizations and will require extra charges.

However, if you need us to install a free plugin that doesn’t cause any issues and doesn’t require any configuration or settings, we typically won’t charge.

Please note that changing themes often involves significant work due to differences in styling, shortcodes, snippets, and functions. This means additional charges will be unavoidable.

Can I cancel the monthly or yearly subscription if I decide I don't want the website anymore?

Yes, you can. To cancel your monthly subscription, please submit your request at least 3 days in advance; the cancellation will take effect starting the following month. For the yearly subscription, you will be charged for a minimum of 6 months, even if you cancel during the first month. If you’re unsure about your commitment, we recommend opting for the monthly subscription instead.

I'm interested in social networking marketing. Can you help with that?

Yes, we can. Although social networking marketing is typically managed through your social network accounts/pages rather than the website itself, we can assist you with it. Please note that additional charges will apply for these extra services.

Why is it necessary to upgrade my website every month?

Please note that maintaining and regularly upgrading your website is crucial. This helps enhance website security and features, and reduces the risk of hacking, malware, or viruses.

Will my website be completely protected from downtime, hacking, or infections?

By subscribing to our support and maintenance service, we can significantly reduce the chances of your website facing downtime, hacking, or infections. We keep things up-to-date and make sure to stay on top of security. While we do our best to protect and support your site, no system is completely foolproof. Our goal is to minimize risks and quickly fix any issues to keep your website running smoothly and securely.

Next Step

Ready to get started? Fill out the form below. We will contact you via email as soon as possible.

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